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All About Bunnies

 Submitted by Nic on August 23, 2011

Several people around the world believe that rabbits make excellent pets, mainly because they do not require much care and attention; however, this is not quite true. Just like any other domesticated animal, there are several requirements that rabbits have, in order to lead a healthy and happy life. Therefore, in order to avoid any problems, it is absolutely essential for all perspective pet owners to know all about bunnies, as they possibly can, before they decide to take on one as a pet.

Essential bunny information consists of several factors, which include a training, diet, housing, exercise, health problems and general care. Given below is some essential bunny info that every rabbit owner should know about:

All about bunnies – Litter Training

Most people regard this as one of the toughest parts of raising a rabbit, although it should not be so, as rabbits are quite clean by nature. They do make an effort to keep their surrounding clean.

Rabbits have the tendency of choosing a corner of their cage or hutch as the bathroom. It is best to place a small litter box, line with newspaper, in that corner, in order to litter train the rabbit.  

All about bunnies – Housing

In the past, rabbits were mainly kept outdoors, within their hutch. However, in the recent times, people have realized how dangerous that can be for the rabbit. It is best to use a sturdy cage or hutch that can protect the rabbit from predators and enemies; this should be placed indoors most of the time. Even though rabbits are small creatures, they require a lot of room for living and exercising, since they are good at running around and jumping. When left free in the outdoors, rabbits should be supervised at all times.

All about bunnies – Diet

The most important part of any bunny diet is fresh timothy hay, since it helps to keep the intestinal tract healthier. Therefore, a steady supply of fresh hay is required at all times. In addition to that, rabbits should also be given good quality and natural pellets. Fresh green leafy vegetables are also great for rabbits and should be given to them on a regular basis.

Fortunately, it is quite easy for most pet owners to obtain several different bunny facts, through online resources, pet articles and books. However, it is best for any responsible pet owner to consult a veterinarian or even a professional pet breeder, so that they can get to know all about bunnies, before keeping one.
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