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How to treat dog arthritis

 Submitted by Nic on August 19, 2011

Before we talk about dog arthritis treatment, let us take a look at what arthritis is and how you can spot the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. Arthritis is a condition where there is an inflammation of the bone joints. There could be many causes of arthritis and these include age, an improper diet, obesity, hip dyspepsia, and an injury to the bones and cartilage.

Research has shown that at least 1 in 5 dogs develop this debilitating disease. Areas that may be affected by dog arthritis include the neck, shoulders, hips, elbows and back. This is an extremely painful disease and you should look out for subtle changes in your dog’s behavior, as these are signs that help in an early diagnosis.

If your dog suddenly becomes aggressive or withdrawn, starts limping, stops chasing sticks and shows no interest in physical activity, take him to the vet to determine if he has dog arthritis. Read on for more information on how to treat dog arthritis.

A natural approach can be used for treating dog arthritis. However, do consult your vet before you opt for any of dog arthritis treatments given below:

1. Nutrition plays an important role in the development of your dog. If your dog is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, he/she becomes more susceptible for arthritis. It is essential that your dog gets a balanced diet and the necessary minerals and vitamins are included in this. Add Omega 3 fatty acids to your dog’s diet. This helps to reduce the inflammation on the joints.

2. Help your dog to lose weight if he/she needs to. This is a most important part for dog arthritis treatment. Check if your dog needs to lose weight by feeling for his/her ribs. Also check if the waist is visible. If you are unsure about your dog’s weight, consult your vet about it. Help your dog to lose those extra pounds by controlling the diet.

3. Contact your vet and ask for painkillers and any other medication that you can give your dog. This helps to bring down the inflammation and also allows your dog to rest which speeds up the healing process.

4. Ensure that you prepare a soft bed for your dog to lie on. Use an extra blanket or even a foam padded bed for your dog to sleep on. This will help the dog to sleep comfortably and ease the pain as well. This is an effective treatment for dog arthritis.

Follow the above steps for dog arthritis treatment as they will help to relieve your pet of his suffering.
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