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Dog and Cat Health Care

 Submitted by Michael Adams on June 10, 2010

Pet health care has become one of the biggest concerns today, with millions of pet owners across the world seeking the best possible care for their companions. It is no surprise that the majority of these pet owners comprise of cat and dog owners. Cat and dog health care information is probably the most widely researched pet health subject on the internet.

Cats and dogs make great companions and although they may display great variation in their temperaments, response to training, and displays of affection, as with any other pets they do bring their owners a great deal of joy, happiness, and companionship. Both cats and dogs have been found to exercise therapeutic effects on their owners, helping reduce stress and other stress related disorders, and often giving hope, comfort and companionship to people who normally suffer from loneliness and dejection. It is therefore only fitting that we pay greater attention to dog and cat health care issues.

The quality of dog or cat health care that is provided does make a huge difference to the quality of life for your pet, and also in terms of life expectancy. When we talk about cat and dog health care it refers to every aspect of health care, from diet and nutrition, to exercise, grooming, and living environment. We generally tend to neglect our own health, and very often we also tend to be careless and take for granted the health of our pets. You should however keep in mind that unlike us, your pet may not be able to communicate as effectively any signs of illness, and you may only notice them once it is too late. Preventive treatment and preventive care is therefore the most important aspect of cat and dog health care.

In addition to the basics of cat and dog health care, which would include grooming, diet, exercise, and regular checkups, vaccinations and so on, you should also do some research into the common conditions and diseases that cats and dogs are susceptible to. While being familiar with various health conditions and their symptoms may not be an essential aspect of cat and dog health care it does help to make a swift diagnosis. Having such information at your fingertips saves you the panic of uncertainty, and it also helps you make better informed and swift decisions that could make a huge difference to the health of your cat or dog.
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