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Dog Health

My Dog Has Diarrhea

 Submitted by Michael Adams on June 1, 2010

Diarrhea is one of the most common reasons for a dog not feeling well. Every dog has to get diarrhea at least once in its life time and this is the most common reason for a significant percentage of visits to veterinary clinics. Gastroenteritis is the primary cause of dog diarrhea.

It could be caused dues to some infection in the stomach lining and the small intestines. Also diarrhea could be caused due to worms infections.
Dog diarrhea symptoms – Well some early symptoms of your dog not being well is when he is not touching its food and is not as active as before, the chances are good that your dog is sick.

You will notice your dog passing loose stools also it could be watery or softer than usual.  There could also be a white like substance in your dog’s stools which is known as mucus. In some chronic diarrhea cases your dog could also be passing blood in his stools. In some cases dog vomiting as well could be a diarrhea symptom. Dogs as well suffer from the same kind of symptoms that we humans suffer for diarrhea. Some other symptoms could be dog bloating, abdominal pain – when you try applying pressure to their abdomen they may pull away or wince in pain. Some dogs even experience fever during this time.

Dog diarrhea treatment – As there is no food in the dog’s stomach you should keep him hydrated or else it can turn out to be chronic if the dog gets dehydrated. Try and give him plenty of water or some salt and sugar water which will give him some energy. Try feeding your dog some bland food like soft rice with small pieces of meat. But do not add too much of meat as this would be hard for the dog to digest. Ensure the meat you feed your dog is not lean meat but boiled meat. Even bread would do as it is a binding factor it would reduce the bowel movement. Do not by any chance give your dog any kind of milk or milk products. Consult your vet for any kind of medication. You could also give your dog hundred percent pure canned pumpkin which has a unique fiber that regulates the bowel. To compensate for the loss of electrolytes try and feed your dog some cool, unflavored Pedialyte. Simply add it to your dog's water bowl, offering it to the dog every half hour or so.
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