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Dog Diseases

Dog Liver Disease

 Submitted by Michael Adams on March 10, 2010

The liver’s functions in dogs are much the same as in humans. The vital organ filters blood from the stomach, intestines, pancreas and spleen before passing it on to the heart. The liver also detoxifies any wastes that might enter the blood stream.

It also stores Vitamins A, D, E and K and produces bile juices that break down fats and help the digestive process. But factors like malnutrition, congenital health conditions, exposure to toxins through insecticide, certain medications, flea powder, unhygienic environment, cigarette smoke, and ingestion of chocolates results in liver disorder in dogs.

Dog liver disease produce symptoms like weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, gray stools, orange colored urine, paleness of gums, increased thirst and urination, jaundice, seizures, fluid retention, fever, and abdominal bloating and pain.

One of the commonest liver disorders in dogs is chronic liver inflammation, also called chronic-active hepatitis. In this condition, the liver swells up repeatedly and may seem like acute liver illness. When the owner notes the above symptoms, he must get the dog examined by a veterinarian immediately. In any case, the dog must be taken to a vet every six months. It’s important to keep a check on liver diseases from time to time as the organ functions well even if it has only 70 percent capacity. So, liver diseases often become evident only in advanced stages.  

To prevent and treat liver diseases in dogs, the pet must be given high quality food with ample natural and raw products. Its water must also be filtered or bottled as chlorinated water can do damage to the liver. Turmeric and milk thistle are found to help treat liver inflammation and diseases effectively. Liver function can be restored by adding important nutrients like fats, vitamins and mineral to the dog’s diet. Moderate exercise daily also helps in warding off most health issues, including liver ailments. If not treated in time, liver disorders can lead to liver failure too. Another aspect of treatment for liver damage in dogs is keeping its environment clean and making sure that it is not left alone in a place with toxic substances. One must also avoid giving the dog a high sugar diet. Liver failure can also be caused by improper medication; so any medication must be prescribed only by a vet. The owner himself must not give any medication to his pet. Caring for a dog with liver failure requires a great deal of patience, so, avoid panicking.

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