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Cat Care

Daily Cat Care Tips

 Submitted by Michael Adams on March 4, 2010

When it comes to cat day care, a lot of owners rely solely on what they have heard about or possibly seen with other cat owners. It would be best to give your cat the best day care possible by learning more about the needs of the cat. Talking to the veterinarian can give you a better understanding of your cat’s nature and the daily needs it might have.

It may be noted that daily cat care generally deals with grooming and feeding activities. Bathing is often an essential activity which forms a part of cat care but this need not be a daily one. In fact, certain breeds of cats rarely require any kind of bathing as their fur would suffer if forced to bathe.

It would also be best to prevent the development of colds by not allowing the cat to roam outside for a number of hours following such a bath.

When it comes to feeding the cat, it would be best not to rely on table scraps which could cause problems with the cat’s health. In fact, too many pets have been known to suffer from physical ailments on account of owners feeding them human food. Bones are often given to cats which could cause serious problems on account of splintering. Be aware of the water your cat consumes and offer fresh bowls of water when necessary, particularly in hot weather. As far as grooming activities go, brushing is a very important step which is critical in order to stem the development of hairballs. With short haired cats in particular, aim for areas that would typically be out of reach for your pet, such as the hard to reach one between the shoulder blades. Cats frequently suffer from hairballs and it can be quite frightening to hear them attempt to cough up one. You will get grooming supplies for your cat day care at any good pet store. As far as cat health care goes, regular veterinarian visits are most helpful. This is particularly important from the point of view of the vaccinations and other medication for cats offered by vets. Grooming itself will help prevent the development of various cat ailments in the long run. These tips should give you a general idea of cat day care but specific daily cat care would depend on the cat you are taking care of and should be determined by the vet.
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