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How can I make sure that my cat�s urine ph level is fine without taking him to the vet?

(April 28, 2010)


Cats' urine pH factor is directly related to the health of the cat’s urinary tract. A cat’s pH level should be in the range of 6.0 to 6.5. A pH above this range of 6.0 to 6.5, leads to the growth of magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals. A pH lower than 6.0 causes formation of calcium oxalate crystals.

A poor diet can be one of the main reasons why a urinary tract infection may develop. A carnivorous diet produces acidic urine, which is assumed to be entirely safe for cats. The urine Ph balance can be lowered by adding acidifying agent. A diet with magnesium oxide cause alkaline urine, and magnesium chloride result in the formation of acidic urine. Crystals, which are formed in a cat's bladder and/or urethra, can cause irritation, bleeding, infection or even blockage.  If the cat cries while urinating, or you notice blood in the urine, and/or it doesn’t use the cat litter box to urinate, then you need to call your vet immediately to get it checked, as this is a very painful infection. .

The urinary tract system requires plenty of water and fluids to flush out the extra minerals and to maintain proper functioning of the kidneys. Therefore you should ensure that the cat drinks adequate water. This will help him urinate frequently, and as a result the urine will be less concentrated, thereby preventing the formation of crystals.

Checking your cat's urine pH level yourself is easy and safe; it also saves you and the cat from a lot of grief.  In a clean cat litter box, put a little aquarium gravel or some non-absorbent litter, just enough to make him scratch around in it. Before the cat’s usual elimination time, p lace the litter box in a quiet place in the house, if possible confine the cat  to a quiet room. After the cat has made her liquid deposit, dip a urine pH test strip in the urine, shaking of the excess gently. If the pH level reads between 6.6 - 6.8 and if it's higher or lower, call your vet for further consultation. The most accurate results can be obtained if you can check her urine sample as soon as she has eliminated. This pH strip test results might be high if she ate several hours earlier, a re-test should be done immediately after she's eaten. If the result is normal, there is no worry, but if the results are still high, then you need to take her to the Vet immediately.

Submitted by N M on April 28, 2010 at 06:19


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